Arielle Charnas
I couldn't help but do my final Baller of the Month with the ultimate baller, and my best friend, Arielle, or as most of you know her, Something Navy. She was probably one of the first bloggers and "influencers" and has maintained our attention since before Instagram even existed. With her influence, she has also helped many businesses get off the ground or given them boosts - including, but not limited to mine. Somehow, whatever she wears always looks good and it makes us all want it too. Social media can be rough and yet she puts herself out there for the world to consume time and time again. She's brave. A great friend, mother and wife and does it all with style. One day I hope to be half as good at doing my own hair as she does hers. Let's hear it for the ultimate baller.
fun stuff
A: Gold.
A: Earrings. Over bracelets, rings & necklaces.
A: Don't sweat the small stuff. Worry less...
A. A big, warm chocolate chip cookie - if you break it in half, it's gooey.
A: I couldn't decide so I asked my husband what I would be and this was his response: A grasshopper."
A: Coffee
meaningful q's
A: My family
A: My self awareness
A: I can figure out most songs or a movie by one line or beat.
A: Free the hostages.