Baller of the Month
Our favorite people doing cool things wearing our jewelry.
Discover a little something new about the people who inspire us.
Stay tuned for new additions monthly!
Arielle Charnas
I couldn't help but do my final Baller of the Month with the ultimate baller, and my best friend, Arielle, or as most of you know her, Something Navy. She was probably one of the first bloggers and "influencers" and has maintained our attention since before Instagram even existed. With her influence, she has also helped many businesses get off the ground or given them boosts - including, but not limited to mine. Somehow, whatever she wears always looks good and it makes us all want it too. Social media can be rough and yet she puts herself out there for the world to consume time and time again. She's brave. A great friend, mother and wife and does it all with style. One day I hope to be half as good at doing my own hair as she does hers. Let's hear it for the ultimate baller.

Anastasia Ganias
Anastasia Ganias (aka Fancy Peasant) is a gem. I have had the privilege of having one of her home cooked meals and I don't think I ever recovered. If vegetables always taste that good I would gladly give up meat! She has a real gift. She also has a special vibe radiating from deep inside. She just exudes sunshine. I now exclusively cook with her olive oil and plan to add her vinegars to the rotation as well. Now if only I could cook like her! Fellow mom of three and running a business makes this beauty this month's Baller.
Joanna Buchanan
If you don't know Joanna Buchanan, just watch one of her videos on Instagram and I bet you'll fall in love. She's a gem of all gems. Always smiling, creative, and just looking to make your tablescape a little more beautiful. Admittedly, hostessing isn't one of my top talents but thanks to her items, I feel like I'm getting better!

Melissa Wood-Tepperberg
I have to admit, when I first saw this ball of smiley laughing sunshine, I wasn't sure I bought it. But after I watched a little longer, I realized she was just being authentically herself. And what's wrong with that? Not to mention that while she's promoting a healthy way of life, she doesn't push it. She supports doing what's best for you and being yourself. I do her meditations, which I love, and if I can ever bring myself to complete a home workout, I'm definitely going to try Melissa's. She's a baller to me. She's a mom, a business owner, and truly helping people make little changes every day to help them feel their best. How baller is that?!

Marissa Vosper
Marissa is our next baller of the month. She is half of the brains behind Negative Underwear and a good friend. I exclusively wear her whipped pieces. I can't think of any other brand that I have been so loyal to but once you go whipped you can't go back. Marissa is a mom, business owner, and somehow always makes time if you need an ear on business advice. She's a baller to me in the way she seems to seamlessly manage it all. Grow her business, grow her family, and still make time to help friends when they need it.
Chelsea Hirschhorn
There is likely no one more baller than this baller. She's the queen of all girl bosses, though that term doesn't do her justice. If you're a mom, you're likely already familiar and use her life saving products on the daily. Just google her name to see all she has done! Lucky for me, she's my friend and I get to know her on a whole other level. She is beyond what she's done in business. A mom of four, a great friend, a hostess I can only dream to be like one day, the list goes on. Her business, Frida, is focused on helping make the hardest job in the world (parenting) just a little bit easier. That's a true baller.

Cami Marcus
Just take a look at Cami Marcus's resume and you can see why she should be listed as anyone's Baller of the Month. I've been lucky enough to call her a friend for a long time and while impressed by her long list of credentials, I am equally as impressed by how she's always been smart, kind, strong with her convictions, and passionate about making change.
When she opened west~bourne, a mission-driven, zero-waste neighborhood restaurant in SoHo, I was a fast fan. The food was amazing, but so was the way she ran it - making sure all employees knew all parts of the business. She offered her employees benefits, which aren't often available in the food industry. When west~bourne shifted to CPG, selling high quality oils, chocolate, snacks and more, her sustainability efforts followed. All of their packaging is sustainably sourced and compostable; the mission of the company is to send nothing to the landfill... how good is that? She's creative, resilient, and always teaching us on social media how to be better chefs.
When she opened west~bourne, a mission-driven, zero-waste neighborhood restaurant in SoHo, I was a fast fan. The food was amazing, but so was the way she ran it - making sure all employees knew all parts of the business. She offered her employees benefits, which aren't often available in the food industry. When west~bourne shifted to CPG, selling high quality oils, chocolate, snacks and more, her sustainability efforts followed. All of their packaging is sustainably sourced and compostable; the mission of the company is to send nothing to the landfill... how good is that? She's creative, resilient, and always teaching us on social media how to be better chefs.

Katie Sands Bochner
Sometimes I want to cancel all social media, but occasionally some good comes of it too. I am not sure how I first found Katie Sands, but my real love and respect for her came from how strong, smart, and outspoken she was on the Israel/Palestine war. She tried to present only the facts and not be scared of how that would affect her following. Very brave and not so typical when most people only share what gets them the most likes. I really respect what she's done and how she continues to strike a balance in her normal posts, sharing her style, while still representing what's happening in real life. It's refreshing.

Zara Tisch
You know the saying, "stay close to people that feel like sunshine"? Well, that's Zara. She's sunshine and rainbow sprinkles. We met through a moms group she started (something I didn't even know I needed) and when I walked through her door for that first mommy and me class, she hugged me like a long lost friend! It was unnerving, surprising, and wonderful! I love that her message and brand has always been consistent. She wants to be bright, fun and spread joy. Something I think the world could use more of. So happy to have Zara as our baller of the month.

Cameron Oaks Rogers
We're a big fan of Cameron's honesty and authenticity about all things. So much so that we launched a collab with her earlier this year! She's been a supporter of the brand for a long time and really embodies the spirit of Alexa Leigh. She's a mental health champion, community curator and a very relatable mom. If you don't know her yet, you're going to love her!

Sabrina Rudin
Known on Instagram as @springbysabrina, Sabrina Rudin is the founder of Spring Cafe Aspen with locations in both Aspen and NYC. We’ve been loving the recent content she’s been posting - all of her sustainable swaps are easy to implement and her food always looks delicious!